Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

FFXII - Arrival in Archades

Not much new here. My party is still on it's way to kill Vayne in Archades. It's been a long trek through many new lands and new armor sets, magick, weapons etc. No new summons, some tough boss fights but nothing too terrible. One thing of interest is that when we reached the land of Archadia officially there was a little conversation between Ashe and Baltheir that took place. In the conversation, Baltheir told Ashe that Dr. Cid, the guy running Draklor Laboratories for Vayne, is Baltheir's father. Little bit of a plot bomb. Add to that the fact that Baltheir himself used to be a Judge... Wow. That shocked me, don't remember that at all!

Speaking of remembering the game, things are definitely getting fuzzy. I'll be playing along and start thinking, okay I've never played this far because I don't really remember this. But then after a bit more I will come across something that I do remember. So I think I've still played this much. Currently I'm in the city of Archades and I think I'm about 80% through the story line. My guys are almost level 40. We'll see how much more I remember.

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