Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Monday, March 1, 2010

FFXII - Emperor Vayne

Alright, off to Mt Bur Omisace we went, but first we got a glimpse back at Archadia of a chat between a few judges. The topic, Vayne's ruthless nature. We got a little more background info about his two older brothers. I guess it was he who killed them because they got in his way. How did that go unpunished...?

Anyway we started out for this mountain place and passed through some plains, and entered a dark wooded area. But we could go no further after a while. The wood cut us off from our path. Fran decides it's time she went back to her sister Vierra to get this taken care of. Apparently her home is not far off. We head into Eruyt Village, a small wooded town in the trees full of nothing but Vierra. Fran stays outside and asks Vaan to go find someone called Mjrn. Guess she's not exactly welcome.

It's not too long before we don't feel too welcome either though. After about the billionth time of being told to 'Go away Hume, leave the Wood.' Eventually though we come to a Vierra who's the leader. Her name is Jote, she's not giving us any info though and eventually Fran comes in to find out that Mjrn has left the Wood as well. Run off to some Hume mines to the west.

We go to track down this Mjrn at the Henne Mines on Ozmone Plains. When we get there though, everyone is dead. Some research for the Draklor Laboratories (run by Dr. Cid for Vayne) gone awry. We head on in and at the end we come to a large dragon mob named Tiamat that we must defeat. After he goes down we find Mjrn, who'd been under some Mist spell. She recovers and tells us that she came here to find out what the Humes were up to but they caught her and locked her up with a Magicite stone. They wanted the power of the stone to absorb into her, to see the effects. Larsa starts to see that the empire is not as clean as he'd hoped.

We take Mjrn back to Eruyt Village and find out that both Mjrn and Jote are Fran's sisters. Mjrn wants to follow in Fran's steps and leave the Wood but Fran tells her she must stay. Fran has been cut off from the Wood and can no longer hears it's voice. It's isolation from her is painful but she feels that there are things she must take care of in the outside world for the Vierra. We continue on.

We finally get to Mount Bur Omisace and find that it's a refugee camp for the survivors of the wars. It is run but a being called the Gran Kiltias, a dreamsage who sees the future. Kings and emperors the world over take heed of his word and will not cross him. The mountain lies high up, among the still floating remnants of land said to be a long lost floating continent that was shattered. The forces of that continent still drain the energy of any airships that try to enter, robbing them of their buoyancy.

The dreamsage has foreseen our coming and speaks with Ashe and Larsa about their plan to reclaim Dalmasca. But we're interrupted by another friend of Larsa's, his counterpart from Rozzario, trying to stop the war. This man tells us that peace is no longer an option. While the old emperor might have given Ashe his ear and listened to her pleas, Vayne will not.

Apparently the old emperor has died of poisoning. Vayne had a senate member arrested for it but it's obvious he was behind it. Even one of the Judges accuses Vayne of doing such and he has her killed by Gabranth. Gabranth does not want to do it, because she is his friend, but she tells him he must, and to protect Larsa from Vayne for the both of them. Vayne sends another Judge to retrieve his younger brother post haste.

Back in Mt Bur Omisace, the dreamsage now tells us that if we wish to fight power with power, we must seek out the sword that can cut through nethicite. The old dynast king entrusted it to the dreamsage of his time, long ago. A weapon that could destroy him, to be kept away from his own descendants. The weapon is in the Stilshrine of Miriam. We head out to get us a magick sword.

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