Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

FFX - I guess I was wrong

After killing Maester Seymour, we started running from the not too happy Guado. After trying to convince them that Seymour killed his father, they just destroy the evidence and attack us. Guess they don't really care. We're chased down to the ice lake and have a showdown with a monster. After we win, his last move is to break the ice. We fall down below the water, under the temple and recollect ourselves. Once we've had a chance to reflect, we decide as a party to ask for forgiveness in the face of Yevon at the capital in Bevelle.

After we've decided on a course of action though, Sin shows up and attacks. We get knocked out and wake up on some new tropical beach. We wander up and find ourselves on a desert island separated from Yuna. Rikku recognizes it though and tells us that we're on the home island of the Al Bhed. We walk across the desert and find her home under attack by the Guado and Yevon. Rikku is upset but says that we must get to the 'Summoner Shelter', Yuna might be there.

We head on through the fire fight to meet Cid, the leader of the Al Bhed, Rikku's father and Yuna's uncle. He enlists our help and we fight down to the summoner shelter. When we ask Rikku what the summoner shelter is, she explains that the Al Bhed have been kidnapping summoners because they believe that Yevon is sacrificing the life of summoners to hold off Sin when it's just going to be reborn. They don't think the summoners should be throwing their lives away. Cid especially doesn't want Yuna to partake in this. Confused, Rhek asks what they mean. He's then told that when the summoner calls upon the final Aeon to destroy Sin, that the Aeon will destroy the summoner as well. Rhek is not too happy about this. Not at all.

We continue fighting on, searching for Yuna and as we go, we have to utilize Rikku as the healer. She's not bad, uses special potions instead of magic though. We find the shelter and it's littered with dead Al Bhed who sacrificed themselves to protect the summoners but the only summoners left alive are Isaaru and Dona. The monsters are closing in so we all jump on Cid's airship and head out.

As we leave, Cid fires on his home, destroying it in the process, to kill the invading armies. The Al Bhed are homeless now...

Rikku is upset, and Wakka is starting to feel like a jackass. It turns out that some gizmo on the airship can actually track Yuna's location, we lock on and start heading toward her. The location happens to be Bevelle.

On our way in, we can see Yuna in a wedding dress climbing an altar with Seymour to be wed.

Seymour is dead but still walking around like the living and Yuna is still trying to play him, to get close enough to Send him. As we close on the city, the Maesters send their defense at at, the great flying monster Erva. We climb to the outside of the airship and fight the beast. Eventually he goes down and we continue toward the center of the city among a barrage of gun and cannon fire.

We shoot zip lines down and fly down to rescue Yuna.

We land and start fighting our way to the top of the altar. Once we get there though there are just too many guns on us. We stop short of Yuna and Seymour but she tries to begin his Sending right there. She's stopped though by Maester Mika, apparently Seymour is supported all the way to the top. Maester Mika threatens to kill the whole party if she doesn't stop. She does, and participates in the marriage to Seymour against her will.

After they're wed though, Seymour orders them to be killed anyway but in response Yuna steps to the edge of the tower, thousands of feet above the ground and threatens to throw herself off unless they drop their guns and let her friends go. Seymour commands them to oblige. Yuna turns and jumps off anyway after telling the others to trust her and just go.

As she plummets down though, she calls upon her first summon Valefor who comes and catches her, to fly her to safety.

The rest of the party heads down into the keep. For some reason no one follows us. We believe that Yuna would have headed to the only place she knew in the city, the Bevelle Temple. On our way down, we encounter many different machina. Not only do the Maester use guns but we see elevators and force fields. Wakka can't believe it.

We reach the temple and navigate it to finally come to the cloister of the fayth. Rhek and Kimahri say Yevon be damned and we enter the inner chamber to find Yuna. When we get inside we see her kneeling in front of the image of a small boy in a hooded blue robe (the boy that's been appearing to Rhek off and on). Auron follows in and tells Rhek that the fayth are deceased human souls who, with the summoner, work together to bind the Aeon to the summoner. As Yuna collapses, Rhek goes to her. He turns and carries her out to a room filled with Maesters and soldiers with guns. We are to stand trial, but first we receive Bahamut.

We stand trial with the Maesters as our judges. The Ronso Maester leads the trial and when he asks why Yuna betrayed everyone she explains that Seymour killed his father. She also explains that Seymour is actually dead and she's been trying to Send him. Maki steps forward and reveals that he too is dead, many of the Maesters are. They would rather be ruled by wise dead than arrogant living. The Maesters are aware that Sin can never be defeated and that they are just throwing away the lives of summoners. But they believe that it is a necessity. The trial is concluded and we're sentenced to death.

After we're thrown in some water dungeon we try to regroup. Yuna finds Auron and Kilmahri, and before she can leave she must face off with Isaaru, who Yevon has sent to kill Yuna. Yuna faces off with Isaaru in a one on one battle of summons. Pretty cool.

After he's defeated we switch over to Rhek and the others who must navigate through the underwater passages to finally face off with a giant water monster. Once he's dead the entire party is united on the surface. However, we're met by Seymour. He explains his plan. He needs Yuna to go with him to the ruins of Zanarkand, to summon the final Aeon and defeat Sin. Then he will consume her and become Sin himself as the next reborn version to destroy the world. Then he can grant the peaceful slumber of death to all inhabitant of Spira. Yeah. He crazy...

We go to war with him and after a semi-tough battle I tossed Reflect on the entire party and watched Seymour cast himself into an early grave. Afterward our party goes back to the crystal forest. Yuna goes off on her own to think, Rhek goes after her to cheer her up. She feels betrayed by Yevon and questions whether she should continue her pilgrimage. She and Rhek talk about it for a long time but eventually she breaks down in tears and decides that she must go on. Rhek comforts her and, well, I was wrong. What follows is some romance between the two which I don't remember in the pools under the crystal forest light. Add in some cheesy Japanese love song and you've got yourself a true FF romance scene.

It's time to go to Zenarkand. For Rhek to stand by Yuna's side to the bitter end...

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