Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

FFXII - Fallen Dalmasca

Our story begins with a beautiful cut scene which gives us several years of background info in a few minutes. I'll try to relay that in a few sentences. Ours is a kingdom called Dalmasca, a happy kingdom with a princess Ashe who's newly married, the kingdom rejoices but the celebrations don't last long.

There's two kingdoms at war with each other, with two smaller kingdoms stuck in the middle. The kingdom to the north, Arcadia attacks our home kingdom of Dalmasca to prevent their enemy from doing the same.

It's not long before the new Prince Rasler must go to war with his trusted knight Basch, but the enemy is too strong and the young prince dies in battle, leaving his new bride in black to mourn.

After the great defeat, the kingdom of Dalmasca has no choice but to surrender. It's at this point that we gain control of a 17 yr old character named Reks who's fighting under Basch and his friend Vossler. Their mission is to stop the king from signing the treaty of surrender with Arcadia, because they feel his life may be forfeit afterward. During the mission I basically get a tutorial on the new combat system. They enter the keep, fighting through imperial soldiers of Arcadia to get to the king. Reks gets separated from the main group for a moment, and when he catches up to the king's chamber he finds a slaughter. All his men are dead, and the king is dead. He turns at a noise and comes face to face with Basch who puts a knife in Rek's stomach. Basch says that the king was a traitor for surrendering. The imperial guards come in and arrest Basch as Reks' vision fades to black, Reks calls out the name of his little brother, "Vaan".

Two years have gone by and in the meantime there is a quasi ruler in Dalmasca called the Marquis. It is he who tells the player that since the fall of Dalmasca, the princess Ashe has commited suicide after her father's murder, and Basch was tried and executed as a traitor. Now we get control of Vaan, who's now 17 himself. We're in a sewer, killing rats. After a bit of that a kid named Kytes comes down to tell us some guy named Migelo needs us. We head on up to the surface in the city of Rabanastre and go to Migelo's place. Migelo is a Banga who gives us odd jobs here and there but they're kiddy jobs, Vaan wants something more. Vaan is a thief and wants to put his skills to work but Migelo is trying to keep him out of trouble.

We head to the local bar on a silly errand and find a Bill on the Hunter's Board for a pestering tomato fiend out in the desert. Vaan decides it's time to test his skills out, he accepts the bounty and we go out into the desert. After a look around and a few dead catuar and wolves, I find the menace and dispatch of him. On the way back into the city though I'm stopped. The new consul from the empire is coming today and the city is locked down. Eventually Migelo comes out to get me though, along with my young friend Penelo who I'm pretty sure has a thing for Vaan, she looks about 15 or 16. Young heros.

I get back into the city and go find a spot to see the new consul with Penelo. In another cut, we watch as the new consul Vayne, who's the son of the current emperor, takes control of Rabanastre. Vaan doesn't like it but the people seem to respect him a little after a pretty good speech.

Once it's over, Vaan decides he wants to break into the palace that night during the feast of the new consul to steal something special. Of course he knows Migelo won't help him so he goes to see Dalan. Dalan runs a little seedier part of the city underground and tells Vaan about a secret passage into the castle. But one must have a sunstone to open the magical door. It's off to the desert to find the magical stone.

This is all good stuff, and this is actually the third time I've played through the game, but I only ever get about 3/4 of the way through. It will be nice to finally finish it, it's a fun one.

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