Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Friday, February 19, 2010

FFX - Jecht is Sin

We left Kilika and traveled by boat to Luca. We arrived at the city, and saw not a collection of shacks or hovels, not a small town, but a city. An advanced technological metropolis not too far behind Zanarkand. What's with that? Thought Sin destroyed any gathering of more than a few families.

Yuna explains that Luca is the second largest city in the world and is fiercely protected by the Crusaders of Yevon because it is the home of the only Blitzball stadium. I accept the explanation but it's has a few holes as Sin is pretty much unstoppable.

We arrive with the other blitzball teams and the Maester of all Spira (the world), Maki. Maki introduces the world to a new Maester, Seymour. We can already tell this guy is off tilt and there's something villainy about him. Especially suspect since he takes an immediate interest in Yuna.

We continue on and at one point Yuna says she saw Auron. Rhek is of course surprised to find out that everyone knows his old buddy Auron, the best guardian who ever lived but disappeared 10 years ago. About the same time he appeared in Zanarkand and befriended Rhek. We go looking but can't find him.

The blitzball tourney begins but Rhek can't play because the team we're playing against, the Ah Bheds, have kidnapped Yuna and want us to throw the game. We go track them down and get Yuna back instead, then win the game. At this point we find out that Yuna is actually half Ah Bhed on her mother's side. We're told not to tell Wakka, as he has something against them. The finals start for the tourney and I get to play the mini game (or full fledged game) but I'm not so good at it and end up losing in overtime 1-2. Damn.

It doesn't really matter though because as the game comes to a close we see Auron appear in the stadium, followed shortly by many fiends. Lots of fighting ensues and we hold off as many as we can but eventually Maester Seymour summons his incredible Aeon Anima and wipes every single fiend out in one blow. Nice.

After the fighting is done, Rhek gets a chance to talk to Auron alone and we get the scoop on things. Auron tells Rhek that Sin is Jecht. Ouch. That's a tough one to swallow for Rhek, but he goes on. Auron and Jecht used to be the guardians for High Summoner Braska (Yuna's father) 10 years ago. Back then, they defeated Sin. This is confusing for a while until Yuna explains later that when you defeat Sin, Sin is reborn eventually. The period in between is called the Calm and lasts for an unknown period of time. She explains that the only way to really defeat Sin is for humanity to atone. For what, she doesn't know.

I guess this is why Auron seemed attached to Sin somehow. He was Jecht's best friend, he can feel Jecht in Sin and I think he sort of talks to him sometimes. Auron explains to Rhek that 10 years ago Jecht made Auron promise to take care of Rhek, which he's been doing in Zanarkand these last 10 years, and to bring Rhek to Spira when it was time. I thought Auron might be a bad guy, but I guess he's one of my main seven party members. He joins Yuna as a guardian and makes Rhek her official guardian as well. He has his own section of the sphere grid, so he's not going anywhere. Just gotta get Rikku back and I'll have all seven members.

We continue on our journey down a very long road to Djose Temple. But before we arrive there, we come across a Crusader campaign that is using Ah Bhed Machina (against Yevon's teachings) to try to lure Sin into a trap and defeat it. Maester Seymour is there, which is odd, since he's part of the church of Yevon, as well as another Maester. Auron is suspicious of why they're there. The crusaders have gathered a large amount of Sin spawn and are waiting for Sin to appear to reclaim them. Sin does not disappoint. When it arrives, it's an all out onslaught by cannon fire and even chocobo knights.

They even have a crazy new weapon they use which almost breaks Sin's protective shield.

But Sin is just too powerful and in the end it's a massacre. Everyone dies except Rhek's party, the Maesters of Yevon, and a handful of Crusaders. Auron tells Rhek that Sin came and killed all those people to show Rhek Jecht's power. So that Rhek would understand. So that Rhek would kill Jecht...

In the aftermath we also find out that Summoners can only kill Sin by using the Final Summoning, which can only be obtained once the Summoner has gathered enough strength from all the Temples along their pilgrimage. So now we know what our goal is. We also find out that they achieve the final summon in the ruins of Zanarkand, so Rhek wants to tag along to see his destroyed home. On a side note, after the massacre, Seymour basically hints that Yuna should be his wife. Don't like that guy, leave my woman alone! =P

We continue on our pilgrimage to arrive at Djose Temple and after another little puzzle in the cloister of trials we obtain our third summon, Ixion, which is like Ramuh. While there we also hear from another summoner's guardian that summoners on their pilgrimage have been disappearing lately. They're just gone one day. Someone is out there picking off all the summoners, so I better watch my back. I bet it's that Seymour guy! Son of a bitch...

Until tomorrow, peace.

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