Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

FFVI - Spartans don't die, they're just MIA...

When last I posted Nazomi was about to begin wandering the new ruined world. Ever so slowly she has discovered that not everyone died. In fact over the course of many hours she has discovered that NO ONE actually died. In true FF fashion our heros are invulnerable.

The evil Kafka has obtained something like god status in the past year, and obliterates any town that opposes him with an enveloping Judgement Light. The people of the land are barely surviving and everyone wants Kafka dead. Some characters required some pretty extensive convincing or in depth saving, but eventually I got everyone back and along the way I've picked up many new Espers and a new airship.

I've picked out my four warriors and the others have fallen by the wayside. I'm hoping the story doesn't kill anyone off or force me to use two parties near the end cuz.. that would be difficult. My main party is of a level of about 44 right now and the rest of my guys range from 26 to 32. I went with Yorick, a true knight; Lifnok, a true monk; Nazomi, who I've fashioned as a pure white mage who wears heavy armor; and Cysra who is the most powerful character. She can transform into a Morphed Esper form and even Fire 2 is hitting for 9999 in that form already. She's my ace in the hole for sure. Not surprising, as usual the Summoner type class is godly. Love it, I hope they do Summoner right in XIV.

Speaking of Espers, I've collected like 20 odd summons so far. All that remain are the most powerful; Odin, Bahamut, and Crusader. Odin should be an easy pick up in a castle. Bahamut requires I kill a roaming boss mob in the overworld in FFVII weapon fashion. And Crusader requires I kill eight world dragons in specific places around the world. I think I've killed three or four so far. Collecting all the summons has become something I feel like I must do for every game now and it's within reach.

Other than the summons I think I'm pretty close to going for Kefka, we'll see. Might go down later tonight.

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