Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

FFVII - Golden

The better part of last night playing was spent for the purposes of my own entertainment. I wasted about two hours resetting my game trying to breed two Great Chocobo's while trying to get a Green Female. I finally gave up, and spent the 5 minutes it took to win four races to gaurantee a green or blue chocobo... Stupid of me. Some three hours and 250k gil later, I had my female Gold Chocobo, named her Sexy. And that she was.

While I was chocobo breeding I also spent some time in random battles to do things like get great and wonderful chocobos, get the carob and zeio nuts, and sometimes I just had to go and battle for a while before the chocobos were ready to breed. Since I was out anyway, I spent a lot of those battles making very certain that only certain people got kills and only certain people got hit to force my limit breaks to go higher. At the end of the night I had gotten Ichorid to his final limit, so he's the first to officially hit 9999 damage on my team. Surprising, Ichorid the highest DD..? I also got Cysra and Nazomi up a couple levels. And I mastered several materia while doing all this, pretty much everything except the summons are less than a half star from mastered if they're not mastered already. I'm going to work on copies of barrier, time and revive for my secondary party that fights Sephiroth. And secondary copies of counter attack and HP and MP+.

While doing all this I took time out on occasion to hunt down Ultimate Weapon and knock a few more points off. I had Ultima in Rhek's hands by the end of the night. Woot!

After finally getting my Golden Chocobo, I made the rounds to the four caves that were inaccessible beforehand to pick up HP<->MP, Mime, Quadra Magic, and of course - Knights of the Round. It was really late but I had to go take him out for a spin just once before I crashed. I found a few insects by Mideel and let him loose. Thirteen bouts of about 6300 damage on four mobs added up to somewhere in the vicinity of 330k damage to the board in one shot. Broken. I really want to master this summon but I'm not sure I have the time. I'd have to REALLY push hard on the later games. I still have four to go and they're all really long. I'm already behind schedule. We'll see though.

With Ultimate Weapon down and the Golden Chocobo in my hands, the Ancient forest is also open now. So I'll go grab Typoon, the last summon as well as Slash All tonight. Then I'll finish up my final limits on everyone. Rhek is already like level 62, so my party should be about 70 when they hit Sephiroth, which is where I think they were on my first play through. Oh, for kicks I equiped 15 of the 16 summons on Nazomi (no Typoon yet). She had a total of 541 HP left, lol (normally she has 4,500). Those -HP%'s sure add up fast.

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