Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Final Fantasy VIII, Keeping it Innovative

Final Fantasy VIII was developed at Square in 1999 for the PlayStation console. The title which followed the hugely successful FFVII had much success on it's own. This title also was very innovative in their battle system, like it's predecessor. Square was always one to change things up, keep things fresh, and try new things. This title was no different as it was the first to use realistic human models and did away with the conventional magic system. In it's place was a blend of new mechanics and old things reinvented. Similar to FFV, summons learn and grow with the party, giving the party new abilities as they grow, but it's not in the form of new spells but rather stats and command abilities. The "Junction" system created an affinity or bond with one character and one summon. The summon gets exp with the character as well as AP which give it new abilities. Some abilities grant more power to characters, more defense, or the ability to link obtained magic to attacks, defense or stat categories. It's a bit overwhelming at first, but not too difficult once you get the hang of things. Also new is the draw system, where instead of having magic spells you draw magic from enemies then use it against them. For example you can use the draw command against an enemy and pull X number of Fire points from it. Then you can use "Magic" to cast the Fire ability as many times as you have points acquired. You can also link that Fire point that you drew to a stat point to raise it.

The system takes some getting used to, I don't really remember that much of it except the Draw part. To be honest, so far I don't really remember anything of the game. I do recall that I started in an academy called SeeD which trains soldiers. Currently, the main character Squall (Rhek) is on his way to take his graduation test. An international situation which needs some military resolution. I've picked up two other characters in my party, Zell and Seifer. Though Seifer acts like a future bad guy (asshole), I think I remember him and Zell in the party the whole game. The only other thing I remember about the game is that the main bad guy is a really hot Sorceress. One NPC has made mention of an old empire run by a sorceress. The empire fell and the sorceress disappeared, but that's all the info I have so far. Should graduate soon and enter the main world.

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