Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Friday, January 29, 2010

FFVIII - End Disc 1

After the mysterious appearance of Edea the Sorceress and following disappearance with Seifer, the party escaped the city and headed to the closest Garden in Galbadia. Now you would think that since Cysra had tried to kidnap the president of Galbadia, that we'd be fugitives or something. Nope.

They let us into the new Garden and we were called up to meet with the headmaster of this Garden. He gave my crew a new assignment, signed by himself and Headmaster Cid of Balamb Garden as well. New mission: Assassinate the Sorceress. Confused... While we're there we hear from Garden officials that Seifer was captured, tried, and executed for his little stunt with the president of Galbadia. Cysra is pretty broken up and claims that she loved him. Right.

To aid in our new mission, we pick up another character Irvine Kaneas, a sniper. We head out to the city of Deling to plan the assassination. Yeah, this is never gonna work.

Anyway, along the way we get yet another side quest with Laguna in some weird tunnel system. It ends with him and his party almost getting wiped out then throwing themselves off a cliff into the ocean below where Galbadia ships can be seen. Still don't remember this, don't know the significance of Laguna yet, but Quistis was one of the dreamers this time as well.

After our snooze in the jungle we enter Deling and make our way to the rendezvous point, Caraway Mansion. But before we can get in, we have to prove ourselves by going to some old tomb and finding the ID number of some fallen soldier. We head on out, find the ID number and pick up another summon I've never seen before, The Brothers.

Before heading back though I spent about an hour just drawing different spells up to 100 on three characters. I don't like the Draw system at all, but attaching 50 Life's to HP-Junction and seeing it go from 700 to 2200 is nice... More tinkering and a lot more Draw grinding in my future I guess. Once we get back with the ID, the guard lets us inside. Cysra is acting funny and we soon find out why.

The master of Caraway mansion is none other than her father, General Caraway, of the Galbadian army. So... Caraway is in league with the Gardens to assassinate his president's new ambassador. His daughter, in the mean time, is the leader of a rebel faction who's fighting against the empire of Galbadia. These people are all over the place!

Anyway we get our plan all setup, split into two parties and are getting ready to head out. Cysra is told by Quistis to stay out of it, that this is not just a game, and the party leaves.

The plan is for Quistis, Zell and Selphie to wait on top of an archway in the city. The sorceress is going to have a parade in her honor and her float will pass under the archway. At which point that party on the roof is supposed to hit a switch to slam the gates down on either side, and lock her in. In the mean time, Rhek and Irvine are to get into position and shoot the Sorceress from afar like fish in a barrel. Sounds easy enough.

Well after the party leaves, Caraway sets a timer to lock the doors after he's left, to keep Cysra in the house, out of harm's way. In the mean time, Quistis, who's already in position at the gate decides now is a good time to go apologize to Cysra and leaves for the mansion in the middle of the mission....

Cysra gets out of the house as Quistis, Zell and Selphie enter. They find no Cysra but the lock springs, and now they're trapped inside. Awesome. So Cysra leaves to confront the Sorceress on her own. Apparently she found some bracelet which will null the Sorceress's power, so she's going to go try to give it to her as a gift before the parade. Upon reaching the Sorceress, she's tossed about like a rag doll and manipulated to walk with her onto the platform. We get some cool cuts of the Sorceress giving a speech in which she called everyone a piece of shit and tells them that she's going to be their tyrannical ruler once more. She kills the president of Galbadia on stage and the crowd is simply entranced. They cheer. As the sorceress leaves the stage she brings two stone iguanas to life, who attack Cysra.

At the same time, Rhek and Irvine are headed to the sniper's post, but see Cysra on the way and instead go to help her. I fight off the two Iguanas and Draw the summon Carbuncle from them before killing them. Cysra was pretty scared and latches onto Rhek for safety. We head on up to the sniper's perch together. From here we see the Sorceress start her parade route on a float with none other than Seifer at her side. Rhek and Cysra have some conversation about maybe having to kill Seifer to get to the Sorceress. Cysra understands, guess she didn't love him that much...

Meanwhile, Quistis' party is trying to figure out how to get out of the room. After some looking around, I found a secret passage to the sewers and after getting lost for a bit down there, I got Quistis to the archway. They hit the switch just in time and lock the Sorceress in.

Rhek has to do some convincing but eventually Irvine takes the shot. Of course, Edea just deflects the bullet as she would a fly. Saw that coming. Rhek has no choice but to go down and try to finish her off in person. He jumps down, gets in a car and rams the gate in another little cut. Then it's time to face off with Seifer. I know it's a boss battle of sorts but they always feel a bit anti-climactic. It's like the system is giving you time to Draw and set up shit, because it takes so long just for your party to be ready to fight a boss. Not only that but many of them have new spells or summons you have to get before you can even start the fight.

Anyway, I slowly chipped away at Seifer, he's only weak to water and I didn't have any (stupid Draw system). After he went down, Cysra and Irvine join Rhek to face off with the Sorceress. I figured it would be a faux battle and that she'd kill us all in one hit or something. But I wasn't taking any chances. I cast Shell on everyone immediately (she IS a sorceress), and she answered with a shit ton of -Ga spells which hit for like 200 with shell up. Cysra only had like 700 HP so I had to cure and shell and cure and shell. She wasn't just one shotting us, we had to actually kill this bitch. After a few minutes I thought, this is taking too long. What's the most recent thing I got. Oh yea, Carbuncle. I summoned him and he cast reflect on the whole party. Well that should help...

The Sorceress isn't stupid though like FF bosses of the past. She immediately stopped casting anything except an Astral punch for physical damage and Dispel to remove the reflect status. So the battle went, I cast Thunder five trillion times, I cast Carbuncle when two members had reflect down, and I chipped away at her for 15 minutes until she died.

Well she didn't really die exactly. She turned blue, some sparkles surrounded her and she shot Rhek through the chest with a huge spike of Ice. Rhek then fell off some bridge, watching Cysra reach out for him and screaming as he plummeted down. Yeah, stupid plan. Let's try to attack her when we're not level 13 next time guys.

End Disc 1, please insert Disc 2.

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