Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Friday, December 4, 2009

FFII - The Emperor is dead! ...right?

Well no, not really...

So I got to play a bit more yesterday in the airport/plane and before I crashed for the night. I made quite a bit of progress. I got a new character who's actually a dragoon! He was in the belly of a beast named Leviathan who swallowed me up in the sea. I think that's the first mention of any of the major Summons from future FF games as well. I teamed up with the dragoon and we made our way out of the belly of the beast to continue to an old temple which held the Ultima Tome, supposedly the most powerful spell in the game. Through 10 long, difficult levels, I defeated several bosses with my broken ass Teleport spell. Will I ever have to fight a boss again...? Fortunately some mobs seem immune to it so I have to fight sometimes, but every boss has succumbed to it since it was about level 6, now it's level 10. I snagged the Ultima tome and taught it to Nicole, and smacked some mobs for a whopping 100 damage. Awesome, looks like something else to level for hours on end before it becomes useful...

Interestingly the world map changed a bit after I got the Ultima tome. The emperor destroyed several towns and now there are much more powerful mobs around the world in old low level areas. While it's cool, it does get annoying sometimes when I'm in a low level zone and wipe to a complete stone or confuse (apparently my guys can't take their own hitting them for 1500dmg). I then proceeded to the Emperor's castle, which was floating in a destructive cyclone in the air. How did I get there since there doesn't seem to be an accessible airship in the game?, well I flew on a wyvern =D (remember that egg I saved from before).

After a long fight to the top, I faced and defeated the Emperor, only to get back to town and find that my fourth character Lokeir, has unveiled himself as the Dark Knight and claimed the title of the new emperor. So once more I was off to fight an emperor.. again... I finally get there, and after much shit talking by Lokeir, the resurrected from hell, old emperor, rises and tells Lokeir he's fired and so, now out of work, Lokeir joins the party... finally... 15 hours into the game, with one boss to go. Except Lokeir is a weak piece of shit, so it looks like it's time to go power level again for a few hours. Oh joy! Hopefully I can finish this game off soon and move on, not a fan of the level system, at all.

On a side note, since Ikorid has become more powerful than Yorik, I've had to switch Nicole to the WHM role, hopefully all goes well since she's also my most powerful BLM.

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