Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

FFIII - Kickin' it Old School

I've entered the brave new world to find it dismal, small and dark. A sea of fog covers the land and time is stopped everywhere. I made my way to the only landmass I could walk on and found a priestess to help me navigate the Water Temple and break the spell on the land. While doing so I received the 3rd crystal and my 3rd job set: Dragoon, Viking, Dark Knight, Evoker and Bard. I also lifted the dark fog to reveal a gigantic world map. While I might have taken a stab at Dark Knight or Dragoon if I was playing the game leisurely, I don't really have time to go level those jobs up high enough to see if they're worth playing. Especially when my current group is doing so incredibly well.

I'm still running with my WHM, BLM, MNK and Knight. Running with the old school classes, and finally getting some good results. On crits my Knight Ikorid is dishing over 1300 while gaining 10% of that back in life with the Blood Sword (gotta love that) and even better, when my other characters are attacked in a damaged (yellow health) state, he Covers them; can't tell you how many times that's saved my ass. Yorick, my monk, on crits, is hitting like 3500.... so yea, I think he's going monk to end game cuz I'm pretty sure he can hit 9,999 eventually. I don't think I'll be changing my monk or knight jobs for the rest of the game. I'm still going to go SMN and Devout though when I get my fourth crystal, which shoulda been last night but the boss who had it disappeared with it after he was defeated. Son of a bitch....

I also fought Garuda (another summon from later in the series). That fight was TOUGH. I died several times. I had to switch Ikorid and Yorick to DRGs to kill him, because their jumps were hitting for about 1500 a piece versus the Knight and MNK hitting for like 500 a piece. But I put them right back afterward, I can't have the mages taking all the damage while they're up in the air all the time, Garuda was just especially weak to that class. And they kinda hinted at it when they gave me two full sets of DRG gear and spears in town...

Got some level 5 magic, so I figure I'm about 65% or so through the game. I think this one will definitely be over 20 hours. I haven't even gotten my final classes yet and their job levels have to be significant before I fight the final boss. Oh, speaking of the final boss, I discovered who it is. A powerful mage, Xande, who was granted great power by some guy named Noah along with two other mages. So it's off to enlist the help of the other two to defeat Xande. Onward!

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