Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

FFV - A brave new world

Finally getting some story going in the game. Galuf, the old guy in my party that couldn't remember anything finally started to remember stuff.

So the deal is... Galuf and a few others (Reina's father included) are actually from another planet where they were the four Warriors of Light. They had to defeat a villian thirty years ago named X-Death. Upon defeating him, they imprisoned him on our heros' home world with the power of the four crystals. Galuf and the King stayed on to watch over him and while here, they showed the people of the new planet how to utilize the power of the crystals to improve technology. The King had two daughters, Reina and it turns out, Faris (who was lost as a child at sea, hence being a pirate).

Anyway as time went by, the greed of the crystal power and the subtle manipulation by an imprisoned X-Death led to crystal overuse and one by one they started breaking. Once they all break X-Death will be free. Somehow along the way X-Death actually swayed and is now manipulating the King to help him against his will. On our way to the last crystal I was able to obtain other jobs and a few summons which I hunted down (Shiva, Ramuh) and others which were part of the story line (Ifrit, Titan). I love getting all the summons...

At the moment, I'm a little over whelmed with the shear number of available jobs but for now I'm taking Rhek full Sorcerer (Knight with the ability to elementally charge his weapons). Along the way I'm also going to master Hunter to get the X-Fight ability, that should allow him to attack 4x in one hit. Should be pretty brutal. I'm taking Faris Ninja until I get Dual Weild and then she's gonna go Samurai I think. I'm taking Galuf full Summoner and I'm going to master Red mage along the way so I get X-Magic, allowing him to cast two summons in one round, pretty evil. And finally, Reina is going full White Mage and Time Mage as a WHM w/o Haste is pretty useless imo. Plus she got like Comet already, so it's nice that she has some offense, and Demi hitting big mobs for more than the rest of the party can even get close to in the opening round of a fight is nothing to sneeze at.

Anyway, with my jobs in line I've been progressing nicely. Unfortunately (fortunately) the last crystal broke and X-Death is free. He immediately bailed and went back to his home world to wreak havoc. It all kind of reminds me of Superman (II?). So with the threat to our world gone, Galuf bailed to help his home planet with his grand daughter. My party of three decided they had nothing left on this world (X-Death killed the King and Rhek doesn't have parents apparently), and enlisted Cid's help to draw on the energy of Meteorites from Galuf's world to power one last teleport there. After going on a scavenger hunt to collect all the materials, my party said their final farewells and warped to a new world.

And landed in X-Deaths prison.

Galuf rejoined my party while breaking us out and now we're trying to figure out how to infiltrate his fortress and kill him. I kinda like the story. Would be a pretty good story if it was reworked for our generation of consoles. All my ships, dragons, chocobos and airships are gone; brand new world to investigate. Onward! Death to X-Death!

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