Mission Statement

For those new to the site, this blog is, in short, a nostalgic journey for myself to complete every core Final Fantasy game over the 101 days before the launch of XIII in an effort to become a true FF fanatic.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Final Fantasy III, Ding Dong...

(my crew left to right, Yorick, Ikorid, Rhek, and Nazomi)

...the bitch is dead. Finally. I went to work earlier tonight, hitting the grind hard, knowing I had my work cut out for me. I spent several hours grinding from 45 to 57 before entering the Crystal Tower. I also killed Xande and opened a bunch of chests then went back out and saved before attempting the long trek back to kill the bitch who schooled me yesterday. It was still a long journey, clocking in at over two hours, but much faster than last night with my guys higher, knowing where to go, and knowing what to pick up along the way and what to ignore. I smoked Xande like he was a level 1 rabbit, and the four entities holding the Warriors of the Dark went down like little girls. My guys were hitting 9,999 left and right, shit was just dropping as it should. By the time I reached the Cloud of Darkness my crew was level 60, and my Monk Yorick was job level 97.

Along the way I built up enough cash to buy 33 Shirukens. That's like millions in gil.... I tossed Ikorid my Ninja in the back for protection and threw 9,999 dmg Shirukens at the bitch every round. Bahamut hit her a few times for 9,999 as well. Yorick did his share as well but I put him on retaliate as the only guy on the front line, and when she did hit him, he hit back like a champ for 9,999. She didn't like him being the only guy up front though so she kept cheating; killing him with things he couldn't retaliate against. But all was well, I hasted Nazomi in round one, and got Curajas off out the gate at the start of every following round. I layed into her fast doing about 70k damage VERY quickly. But then she went into particle beam overload and kept downing my strikers. I had to dedicate several rounds JUST to using Elixirs and Arise and just surviving with getting one shot in if any for the round. Eventually she went down to a Shiruken by Ikorid (I think he's killed every boss so far...).

This is from yesterday, when I thought I would kill her the first time, my guys were much higher level tonight, health all over 3k, check out my clear screen.

Feels good to be done with that one, it was long and tough, clocking in at just under 30 hours. I enjoyed it very much though. I loved the introduction of the Summoner class and all the summons, it's probably my favorite FF class. I loved all the cool new jobs and the job system. The story was great, the first one that I really paid attention to because of the plot. It wasn't riveting but the 3d graphics made you pay attention more than if it was just a 2d chat bubble you're scrolling through. I picked up FFIV for the DS today for a whoping $14. I already had it on GBA, but after playing this one, I'm not quite ready to go back to the old versions yet. Not looking forward to the downgraded graphics I'll have to face in V and VI, but I hear V is pretty damned good, so I'm looking forward to that at least. Don't know anything about VI.

I think I'll go boot up IV real quick... just to take a look before I crash for the night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Get er done! I love that ikorid is top dps in every game he is a character in
